Welcome to Journey of Faith Sunday Service Online! We are glad you're here.
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Thank you for joining us!
“Our mission is to help connect people to the God that loves them dearly, any way we can.”
Join us at 10:30 am Sundays for our worship service.
What to Expect
When you visit Journey of Faith, expect to find warm and welcoming folks who are truly glad you are there. Our congregation draws people from many different walks of life. We really do welcome all!
The service typically begins with around 20 minutes of music and prayer followed by Children’s Time. We then move into sharing our joys and concerns before our Scripture reading and Song of Preparation. Our Pastor Glenda Whitehead, then delivers a relevant and biblical sermon that averages around 20 minutes in length. We then have our Invitation to the Offering for those that find themselves able to give. We end our service with more music and a blessing to remind us that we are all Children of God.
Families with Children:
After the children are welcomed to the front for “Children’s Time” they will be dismissed to Children’s Church led by our wonderful staff, where they learn the stories of the bible in a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere.
We also provide a nursery for those 5 and under that is staffed by the wonderful and nurturing Ms. Terry, who has been with us since the beginning.
We also provide for those with infants, who may not yet want to leave their new bundle of joy in the nursery with a cry room in the back of the Worship Center.
We strongly welcome children to be themselves during worship, especially during the music.